VETis Tuition Fee Reimbursement Program

Addressing education inequalities to alleviate poverty and address unequal opportunity across Australia.

The goal of the Tuition Fee Reimbursement Program is to increase access to real world competency training and prepare our VETis learner’s for higher-paying career opportunities.

Join our commitment to action movement – As part of our 2030 pledge, LikeaBoss EducationTM have a $16,500 scholarship program available.

Accelerating progress toward economic empowerment, this new learner benefit, available only to our secondary school community members, it provides full funding of an equivalent vocational short course skill set for a nominal number of learner’s per registration*.

Career development to equip students with the real-world skills. Students develop real world workplace competencies that develop professional work and employability skills. Transferrable to any industry and type of employment.

Students develop on-the-job competency and workplace skills
Applications Now Open

GET INVOLVED: Apply for sponsorship at your school or college

Round Two: Opens August 1

*Strict Terms and Conditions Apply | ALL Rights Reserved LikeaBoss.EducationTM | Copyright 2020 |RTO: 107 108

“You are invited to be part of our innovative education – Charting a common vision!”

#LikeaBoss.EducationTM is taking steps to promote equality in education. “Concrete actions” to push against societal, financial and educational inequalities.

Keeping our young people engaged in education to empower life long learners and leaders ensures the best economic kick start.

Looking to the future, our hope is that if you’re a change maker who wants to effect widespread change or a training business, you will follow our lead and consider the social impact steps that can be taken.

Start Date:
March 01

End Date:
November 30*

School Year

Advancing job-ready skills

Register to Join Program

Helping schools like yours grow, apply today for the LikeaBoss.EducationTM Tuition Fee Reimbursement Program.

Apply for sponsorship today – School registration is the first step..

Seats are limited, so be sure to sign up soon to reserve your spot!

“I really enjoyed the lessons. I certainly would recommend the #LikeaBoss Future Maker Short Course to total beginners and to people like myself who needed to kick start a new career pathway.”
Beth S.

“The program was excellent and well structured. I now have a Resume highlight skills that will help me gain employment. – Mason D.