NDIS Career & Study Services

Improved Living. Improved Life Choices. Improved Daily Life

Personal Empowerment and Job-Ready Career Skill Development programs and other activities | Learn and practice life-long skills every day, in class, across every lesson, at home and in your daily living.

Job-Ready Services

Equip participants for the future working world

Keep the Resume‘s fresh. Get started or update the workplace offering with what the market is looking for: Non accredited personal development workshops, ‘Get the Job’ mentoring, nationally recognised shorts courses and full qualifications.

Develop real professional work and employability skills to get hired, grow a career or start up a business.

Personal Development

Connect to the rhythm of learning

Short personal empowerment workshops or tailored one:one activities not just for participants but carers also. Uniquely designed for capacity building, developing of skills, increasing independence and confidence to work.

Building bridges between school, home, life and work.

Job-Ready Programs

Stay ahead in fast changing industries – Learn the skills to get a job!

Learning is oriented so that everyone has the opportunity to acquire the knowledge, skills and attitudes that empower the student to contribute to sustainable growth and have greater access to employment.

Person-centred so participants of varying skills and needs can reach their employment goals.

How it Works..

Freedom of Choice. Value for Money. Peace of Mind

As an NDIS participant, you naturally want your funding to go as far as possible. When you sign up for disability study or personal development support, you benefit in multiple ways: You get greater value, more choice and better control.

#LikeaBoss.EducationTM NDIS Support Services – A place where ‘you’ can just be …

Let’s make something beautiful together.